Find Freedom in Christ and Let His Truth Set You Free

Find Freedom in Christ and Let His Truth Set You Free

Can You Find Lasting Freedom in Christ (and Do You Need It?)

Yes! A resounding “absolutely!” You can find lasting freedom in Christ even if you don’t realize how much you need it. That was me; I didn’t realize what I was missing. What I want to share with you is the freedom you can have for your life this very day. Beyond the obvious freedom found at the cross – freedom into eternity and salvation – that, I always knew I had. What I didn’t realize? I needed a freedom for here and now.

Freedom in Christ is nothing short of transforming! The freedom you find in Christ – in the risen Savior – will transform so many areas of your life. I am walking proof of that today!

The Truth Will Set You Free

“The truth will set you free.” Have you heard this before? Jesus Himself tells us in John 8:32 “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

But free from what?

“The truth will set you free.”

If the truth can set you free, what do you need to be set free from?

That is what we will explore today and how it can impact so many areas of your life.

I used to think this verse only meant for “someday, the not-yet” – eternity after Jesus comes back. But what I have learned is that freedom found in Christ is more than “someday.”

It is here and now.

I want to share with you how I have found freedom in Christ rooted in the truth’s of God’s Word that I had not known before.

So yes, you can find lasting freedom in Christ and we’ll talk about 3 areas where freedom in Christ can start to impact your life this very day: 

  1. Free from the trap of basing your self-worth on a lie – on anything other than Christ.
  2. Free from the trap of unforgiveness. And how you can tell if you need to forgive someone else.
  3. Lasting freedom in Christ and where it really comes from.

Freedom in Christ Bible Verses

Before we dive into each of those, it’s important to check what the Bible says about finding freedom in Christ. There are numerous verses that demonstrate the solid truth of freedom being found in Christ:

  • “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36
  • “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
  • “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

God’s Word is always true. We go back to His Word to establish a foundation. “The truth will set you free” is explicitly rooted in Scripture.

Types of Freedom Found in Christ

Freedom starts at Jesus’ death and resurrection. We have been set free. It is finished. But that brings us back to the initial question – free from what? I want to show you and share how the Truth found in the passages of Scripture has set me free in areas of my life I didn’t see coming – and didn’t realize I needed.

Freedom From Guilt

There are two types of guilt. The first is guilt from something you have done wrong. The second is false-guilt which is guilt you carry that does not belong. Freedom in Christ covers both. You are forgiven at the cross.

Freedom From Worry and Anxiety

At the root of anxiety is a fear that something will go wrong. Or put another way, I was anxious because I believed I wasn’t doing enough. Your self-worth is not tied to what you do or achieve. Getting that to really sink in is freeing. You can learn more about the freedom found in transforming your self-worth here: Identity in Christ: 4 Powerful Truths to Transform Your Self-Worth.

Freedom From the Trap of Trying to Measure Up

Do you find yourself trying to measure up to someone else? Be “good enough”? When you see yourself who God says you are – righteous, redeemed, forgiven, chosen – you’ll stop measuring yourself to others. It’s a trap I didn’t realize I was in until I was delivered from it. And it is … you can guess? Freeing!

3 Areas Where Freedom in Christ Can Impact Your Life Today

1: Free from the trap of basing your self-worth on a lie – on anything other than Christ.

So how do you notice if you’re basing your self-worth on something other than Christ? For me, I was in a recurring cycle of worry, anxiety, and false-guilt over and over. Are you continuously anxious and worried? What’s underneath that? If you’re struggling and feeling like you are not good enough or have failed over and over – know your worth is not tied to what you achieve or what you do. That’s too important not to miss it: your worth is not tied to what you achieve or what you do.

For more in-depth information, I can’t recommend this book enough: The Search For Significance by Robert S. McGee. It’s fantastic and dives into anxiety and worry in more detail than I can go into here.

2: Free from the trap of unforgiveness. And how you can tell if you need to forgive someone else.

This is a big one. And deserves a post of its own. Forgiveness is at the crux of the cross. Without it? There is no hope for you and I. But with forgiveness? A freedom like no other.

Who is trapped by unforgiveness? The person who needs to forgive is the one who is trapped. And what that might feel like is anger and bitterness toward someone else.

We’re told in Colossians 3:3: “..if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”

There it is: forgive. Forgive when? If you have a complaint. It does not say “if you have a complaint, go vent to someone else.” It says “if you have a complaint against someone else, you are to forgive them.

“..if one has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.” Colossians 3:3.

3: Lasting freedom in Christ and where it really comes from.

True freedom comes from Christ and the truth of God’s Holy Word. Each area whether is anxiety, worry, guilt, unforgiveness – can be met with truth rooted in Scripture on how to tackle each of those. If there is anything you take away today, I hope you are encouraged to dive into God’s Word on your own where freedom is found.

Whom The Son Sets Free is Free Indeed

In summary, you are called to freedom. Without a shadow of a doubt. The cross has made you new. And in the truths found rooted in God’s Word you’ll find freedom that will touch every are of your life. Freedom from anxiety, freedom from worry, freedom from false-guilt, freedom from the traps of trying to measure up, and freedom from unforgiveness.

You have been set free.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

Amen to that!

2 thoughts on “Find Freedom in Christ and Let His Truth Set You Free”

  1. Michelle Robinette

    Thank you Lisa. This is my second reading of this post and I appreciate this message so much. I have struggled with fear and anxiety my whole life. Recently I am confronting my old thought patterns by asking myself “what might this look like if you came from a base of love rather than a base of fear?” And almost immediately my spirit seems to connect to God’s love and the truth and safety of that, the fear dissipates and I have peace with the situation and/or decision.

    1. lisa.stasik

      Thank you so much Michelle! This: “what might this look like if you came from a base of love rather than a base of fear?” I love that!! Fear is not from God. What an excellent example of a way to reset thinking – what you said will help me too! Thank you for sharing 💙

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